Transfer of a property: Is vat or transfer duty payable?

A purchaser is responsible for payment of transfer cost when acquiring an immovable property, but it should further be established if the transaction is subject to the payment of VAT or transfer duty to SARS. When an immovable property is transferred, either VAT or transfer duty is payable. To determine whether VAT or transfer duty […]

Selling of Assets by individuals: When will it attract CGT?

Individuals who are residents for the purpose of the CGT Act (Capital Gains Tax), are liable for CGT on the disposal of South African and foreign assets. In addition, non-residents who dispose of immovable property or other assets of a permanent nature in South Africa are liable for CGT as well. As a disposal is […]

Why SARS requests supporting documents

Most taxpayers know that sinking feeling when SARS requests supporting documents from them. Which supporting documents must I submit? Am I being audited? Did I make a mistake on my income tax return? Will SARS send me to jail? Why did SARS choose me? SARS remains secretive about the way they go about selecting tax […]