Insurance tips for accidents

The frantic aftermath of a vehicle accident can make it easy to miss those few critical steps that could determine the successful outcome of an insurance claim. If you are involved in a vehicle accident, remember these top tips that will help ensure that your claim is smooth and successful. 1. Make sure that your […]

Financial assistance and the Companies Act

One of the more significant changes that the “new” Companies Act, 71 of 2008, brought about was that a company may now provide financial assistance to prospective shareholders to subscribe for shares in that company. In other words, it may lend persons money to enable them to subscribe for shares in the lender (although other […]

U testament – ‘n belangrike dokument

Die lewe is baie onvoorspelbaar en ons adviseer graag kliënte om erns te maak om ‘n testament in plek te hê en boedelbeplanning te doen. Hieronder is redes waarom dit een van u belangrikste prioriteite behoort te wees.   V:  Hoekom behoort ek ‘n testament te hê? A:  ‘n Testament stel u in staat om […]

Financial assistance by companies to issue shares

Section 38 of the Companies Act, 61 of 1973 (now repealed) contained a prohibition against companies issuing shares to prospective shareholders on loan account. This was identified as one of the hurdles in the way of BEE empowerment deals specifically (which quite often involves BEE participants requiring funding to be able to subscribe for shares […]

10 Wenke hoe om uitgawes dop te hou

Hou jy behoorlik boek van jou klein onderneming se besigheidsuitgawes (operasionele koste)? Dit sal onnodige koste besnoei en jou meer voorbereid vir belastingtyd maak as jy jou uitgawes gereeld aanteken en aanpassings maak.   Probeer hierdie wenke om jou besigheidsuitgawes beter te bestuur: Gebruik sagteware.Rekeningkundige sagteware soos Quickbooks en sigblaaie van MS Office maak bestuur […]

Minutes of board meetings

Board meetings and the decisions made during these meetings may be determining for the effective functioning of a company. Clients are therefore reminded of the legal requirements relating to board meetings as stipulated in Article 73(6), (7) and (8) of the Companies Act 71 of 2008, which should be strictly adhered to. The Act requires […]

Tax rates for 2016

With the fiscal year-end for individuals on 29 February 2016, it is useful at this stage to be reminded of the various tax rates applicable for the 2016 tax year.  These were enacted by the ​Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment of Revenue Laws Act, 13 of 2015 and promulgated on 17 November 2015 (to the […]

Finansiële risikobestuur vir u klein besigheid: Weet u wat om te doen?

Is dit werklik nodig om te weet hoe om finansiële risiko te bestuur? Die antwoord is ‘n besliste “Ja!” Dit kan die verskil beteken tussen ‘n suksesvolle besigheid en ‘n besigheid wat gedwing word om sy deure te sluit. Maak seker dat u u besigheid die beste moontlike kans gee om te oorleef en te […]

Incentivising non-retirement savings in South Africa through Tax free savings accounts

National Treasury introduced the Tax free savings account and these accounts have been available since 1 March 2015, available through a variety of providers. These accounts are intended for discretionary non-retirement savings and have certain distinct features which should make them very appealing to investors. Even though the intention is that they will be used […]

Aftreefondse en Egskeiding: Die belasting-implikasies

Hierdie artikel ondersoek die belasting-implikasies waar ‘n lid van ‘n aftreefonds en sy/haar gade skei en die lidgade se aftreevoordele tussen hom-/haarself en die nie-lidgade verdeel moet word. Waar die nie-lidgade ‘n deel van die lidgade se aftreefonds ontvang volgens die egskeidingsbevel, moet die tipe fonds vasgestel word aangesien die lidgade se belang in die […]