On 24 February 2016, Min. Pravin Gordhan tabled National Treasury’s annual budget. While it contained a few surprises (both for what it said and that which it did not), the focus in studying the budget has always been the new tax rates proposed. Below we set out the new rates that will apply going forward. […]
So what is gap cover all about
Something that is a frequent question by consumers is “Why did my medical aid not cover the full cost of my hospitalization?” Thinking they were covered for 100% of all the hospitalization costs. Medical aid can be a minefield for the regular Jane out there, who is just looking for the peace of mind that […]
Insurance tips for accidents
The frantic aftermath of a vehicle accident can make it easy to miss those few critical steps that could determine the successful outcome of an insurance claim. If you are involved in a vehicle accident, remember these top tips that will help ensure that your claim is smooth and successful. 1. Make sure that your […]
Financial assistance and the Companies Act
One of the more significant changes that the “new” Companies Act, 71 of 2008, brought about was that a company may now provide financial assistance to prospective shareholders to subscribe for shares in that company. In other words, it may lend persons money to enable them to subscribe for shares in the lender (although other […]