ClemenGold is the brand name for top quality easy peelers and The ClemenGold Company has actively been involved in building the brand globally since 2009. South Africa, Spain and Morocco are the biggest producers of ClemenGold quality easy peelers and the dual hemisphere supply ensures fruit on-shelf for seven to eight months of the year. […]
Die besit van ‘n besigheid vereis noukeurige opvolgbeplanning en is deel van jou boedelbeplanning, omdat jy moet bepaal wie jou gaan opvolg, of wie jou aandele gaan koop, of wie geregtig sal wees op die inkomste na jou dood. Die toekomstige eienaarskap van jou besigheid is op die spel. ‘n Vennootskap word outomaties ontbind by […]
The importance of the independent trustee
A well-known court case, Land Bank of South Africa vs JL Parker and Two Others (the Parker case) irrevocably changed the requirements for independent trustees to be appointed and placed renewed focus on the duties and responsibilities of all trustees. As a result of the Parker case, most Masters of the High Court now require […]
So wanneer is ek by magte om as trustee op te tree?
Die Wet op Beheer van Trustgoedere 57 van 1988 definieer ‘n trustee as “enige persoon (ingesluit die oprigter) wat optree as trustee uit hoofde van ‘n magtiging in terme van Artikel 6.” In die saak van Lupacchini teen die Minister van Veiligheid en Sekuriteit (16/2010) [2010], ZASCA 108 (17 September 2010), is die posisie van […]
Dealing with marriage and estate planning
The most important forms of marriage are: marriage in community of property, marriage out of community of property (without accrual), and marriage out of community of property (with accrual). Marriage in community of property There is no prior contractual arrangement, apart from getting married; Spouses do not have two distinct estates; There is a […]
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